it's not about if you will love me tomorrow Part 2 | June 2019
Athens & Epidavrus Festival
Part of a threeforld thematic, these are dance performances as games in public view that release questions about the relation of dance and its viewing,
about the conflicts and the dynamics that activated this absurd relation.
All of them take place in a moving platform that changes its inclination according to the translocations of performers’ movement.
In this part, the platform is connected to sensors that detect the movement and translate it into sound.

A platform whose movement and inclination changes depending on where people stand and transfer their weight is divided among four performers. The performers test their limits within this new order of things, as the most reliable thing imaginable, the ground, is destabilized and becomes part of a fluid universe of ever-changing space, rhythm, and mobility.
The game is built on the concept of fair-cake cutting, a fair division problem on how to divide a ‘space’ such as a cake or a territory or a frequency domain so that they everyone can receive the ‘space’ they personally believe should be theirs. That is, a division, not in equal parts, bur in parts which embrace and appeal to each participant’s individual values and preferences.
It is a quartet of pathways towards a shared centre that finds balance through the re-tracing of gravity and of the “weight”of visual perception. An ever changing and sensorial coordinated common space that invited the performers to divide it according to their premises: their weight, their perception, their observations, their actions and interactions. All of them in relation to falling and balancing, all decisions as part of a place that influences them and is influenced by every choice in locomotion.
The research theme made an effort to examine our weight as something not stable, but as something directly attached to our responses and our availability or not to process the flow of movement and the dance world.

Performers: Kostis Kallivretakis,Candy Karra, Loukiani Papadaki, Giorgos Fritzilas
Platform design and manufacture: Filippos Vasileiou
Interactive sound design and composition: Lampros Pigounis
Lightning design: Nysos Vasilopoulos
Costume design: Konstantina Mardiki
Dance making: Androniki Marathaki
Filming,Video editing, Photos: Alekos-Christos Bourelias
Visual Communication: Eftichia Liapi
Production management: Konstantinos Sakkas (Delta Pi)
Production: Athens & Epidaurus festival
The artists received funding from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture (2019).
Supported by the Koinos Topos Institute.